Author: Nitasha Malhotra
Author Affiliation: Department of Geography, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi.
Abstract: Genetically modified (GM) foods have been a controversial topic in recent years due to the potential risks they pose to the human environment. These foods are created by altering the genetic makeup of plants and animals in order to enhance their growth and yield. While this technology has been hailed as a solution to global food shortage, there are concerns about long-term effects on the environment and human health. The use of genetically modified seeds can lead to the decline of natural biodiversity and the introduction of new genes into the ecosystem, potentially causing harm to other organisms. As the demand for GM foods continues to grow, it is crucial that we carefully consider the potential risks and take necessary precautions to protect our environment and ourselves.
Keywords: Genetic engineering, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Transgenic foods, Resistant seeds.