Authors: Jyoti Raghavan and Ramesh Aroli
First & Second Author Affiliation: Department of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi.
Abstract: The mass media spread awareness about development issues through newspaper articles, magazines, online websites and e-zines, documentaries, films, TV and radio programmes. The role of the media in spreading information about development issues like the water crisis involves: (a) to circulate knowledge that will inform people of significant events, opportunities, dangers and changes in their community, country and the world, (b) the media provide a forum where development issues affecting the national or community life are reported and discussed and (c) the media can provide the platform for debates and discussion to create and maintain a base of consensus that is needed for the success of development initiatives. This preliminary study on the coverage of water crisis in print publications makes an attempt to analyze the reports on the water crisis published in leading national dailies The Times of India and The Hindu focusing on various themes that were covered in the reportage. Though, the topic of water crisis fits into the broader area of science communication, but here we have tried to explore the ways in which print media can intervene in the issues of environmental crises and draw the readers’ attention towards the pressing issues.
Keywords: Water crisis, Print media, Media reportage.