Author: A.P. Payal Author Affiliation: Department of English, University of Delhi Abstract: The paper offers a close reading of two fifteenth century Italian tarot decks attributed to the patronage of the Visconti family. The cards emerge as important texts to investigate the ‘woman question’ in fifteenth century Europe and how women’s bodies were…
Issue 2019
Author: Kritika Tandon Author Affiliation: Theatre and Performance Studies, School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University Abstract: This paper tries to understand how the female subject, when isolated from her milieu, is a role whose entry is blocked from a collective. This collective could be called a theatrical play in itself within…
Author: Mehak Dua Author Affiliation: Department of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi Abstract: Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have swiftly transformed the way people enter into discussions, by allowing for plurality of thoughts and voices. It has also given a space to women unlike any other conventional…
Author: Nupur Ray Author Affiliation: Department of Political Science, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi Abstract: Vast feminist literature has emerged in the past few decades where various political, social and cultural institutions/ ideologies have been reexamined through a critical feminist lens thereby unraveling the patriarchal assumptions underlying these structures. This paper focuses…
Author: Ramesh Aroli Author Affiliation: Department of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi Abstract: In India, media scholars who worked on the Indian language press and its role in reshaping the regional societies have often looked at the circulation figures and data that is readily available for access. For instance, works of…
Author: Rupali Khanna Author Affiliation: Department of Economics, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi Abstract: More than a billion people (mostly rural) all over the world are still living in energy poverty, which is defined as the inability to access and afford modern cooking fuels and the lack of a bare minimum electric lighting…
Author: Sophy K.J. Author Affiliation: Assistant Professor, National Law University, Delhi Abstract: Both the cases, Rajesh Sharma (2017) and Dr. Subhash (2018), decided by the Supreme Court, were dealt with under two different laws, the commonality that invites a re-reading of judgments is the ignorance of the judiciary towards its history and objectives…
Author: Jyoti Raghavan Author Affiliation: Department of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi << Published in Akademos 2019 Issue Views: 103
Author: Sampurna Das Author Affiliation: Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Abstract: The rise of moral panic, stigma and illegality that accompanies human migration is a recent phenomenon. This is in part made up by the increasing regulatory focus on extralegal migration; in part, by the bureaucratic ideology; in…