- All authors must read the guidelines carefully and adhere to the submission guidelines. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the style specifications of Akademos. Manuscripts that do not follow the guidelines will not be accepted.
- The editors release a call for papers every year with a submission deadline. Manuscripts received after the deadline will not be accepted, however they might be considered for the next issue of the journal with the author’s permission.
- Manuscripts must be original and in English.
- All manuscripts should be typed and composed as a word document (MS Word 1997 and upwards) with the file name aka-xii (.doc and .docx are both acceptable).
- To maintain reasonable uniformity, kindly ensure that the word limit is between 4000-6000.
- Use Times New Roman font; font size for title is 14 points and for main body text 12 points and foot notes 10 points.
- The Journal follows the conventions as per the Chicago Manual of Style. For example:
- Author Date system for in-text citations. (Last name year) or (Last name year, page number). Example: (Townsend 1993, 12)
- For single author books:
- Author’s last name, First name and Initial. Year. Title italics. Publication location: Publishing company.
- For edited volumes:
- Editor’s last name, First name and Initial. ed. Year. Title italics. Publication location: Publishing Company
- For journal articles:
Author’s last name, First name and Initial. Year. “Title of the Article.” Journal Title italics Volume number: page numbers.
For more information on style guidelines, visit: