Author: Aakriti Kohli

Author Affiliation: Department of Journalism, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, University of Delhi


Abstract: The geomorphological classification of a region into different land systems is a comprehensive study of geology, surface forms, soils, hydrology, vegetation and their interrelationships. These land systems can form a useful framework for environmental and land use planning. This is because on this basis not only can relationships between the immediately observable properties be established but also inferences can be made about terrain properties which are not immediately observable. On a broad basis of homogenous geological structure and morphogenesis, Delhi and its surroundings is divided into two land systems- The Bedrock Area and The Alluvial Area and their subunits. The Bedrock Area is a morpho-structural feature and the Alluvial Area is a morpho-sculptural feature.

Keywords: Geomorphic Regionalisation, Geomorphic unit, Land System, Landsat imagery.


<< Published in Akademos 2018 Issue