Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report in India and Stakeholder Capitalism
Ankur Bhatnagar
Understanding Basics of Nature Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction
Renu Bali
Virtual Water Trade and Its Implications for India’s Water Sustainability in a Globalized World
Kaushik Kumar Pati, Srijan Shashwat and Apoorva Gulati
GM Foods: A Risk to Human Environment
Nitasha Malhotra
Framing Climate Change : A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Three English Dailies of Kolkata
Atashi Bhattacharya
Water Crisis: Newspaper Reportage of the Environmental Issue in Two Leading English Dailies
Jyoti Raghavan and Ramesh Aroli
Climate Risk Coverage : The Interplay of Insurance and Global Warming
Aditi Khanna and Mukul Khanna
The Role of Renewable Energy Generation in Climate Change Mitigation through Solar Power Production in India and Delhi
Mamta Sharma and Shadab Khan
Book Review – Charles Eisenstein, 2018, Climate: A New Story, California, North Atlantic Books
Annavajhula J. C. Bose